
@darkest_depths You are welcome!!


Hi Brandi! Thanks for reading Genesis. The novel that follows it is called Welcome To The Madhouse and, if you want more of Hiro and Dejan, it will be available as an ebook on as of next month for $3.99. Enjoy! ;D


@DavidJThirteen I have to say that I am completely in love with the entire concept of TTWB. It's an amazing story and I'll follow it until the end! You are observant, my biography was, indeed, recently updated, thanks to new internet ha. Thank you so much for your kind words! It took me awhile to figure myself out but, I've found most of my answers through writing, and I hope to share that with the world.


Thank you for those very kind words on TTWB. It's my new work and it's great to hear words of encouragement on it.