
I have been getting a lot of recent comments on my Brendan Gallagher fanfiction and the sequel called confined love. I would just like my followers to know that I am not writing the sequel anymore, it does have a couple chapters but it is unfinished. And I am not writing anymore of it. You can reply to this post or message me individually if you have any questions. I am sorry for any inconvenience but this type of writing doesn't fulfill me anymore. I do appreciate all the love and followers and reads that I have gotten over the years, so thank you so much. I am leaving my account up so you can reread stories and if I ever feel like it I can come back and write more. But for now this is see you later. 


I have been getting a lot of recent comments on my Brendan Gallagher fanfiction and the sequel called confined love. I would just like my followers to know that I am not writing the sequel anymore, it does have a couple chapters but it is unfinished. And I am not writing anymore of it. You can reply to this post or message me individually if you have any questions. I am sorry for any inconvenience but this type of writing doesn't fulfill me anymore. I do appreciate all the love and followers and reads that I have gotten over the years, so thank you so much. I am leaving my account up so you can reread stories and if I ever feel like it I can come back and write more. But for now this is see you later. 


For all my followers who keep commenting on my recent works, I have posted a previous update about how I'm not posting on here anymore because it's not as fulfilling as it used to be. I really thought this over and the reason I still have the account is if someday I want to come back to it, it's here. But for now I'm not posting and there will be NO MORE updates on any of my BRENDAN GALLAGHER FANFICS. 


Sorry, that I've been gone for months. I love to write, and you guys know that but this account isn't fulfilling to me anymore and I think it's time for me to give it up. You can still re-read my works but there will be no new updates. I'm sorry. 


Since no one seems to care about the name change of my character in the Brendan Gallagher fanfiction, I have chosen the name Lia, a simple name but with good meaning, 'dependence'. Which Lia's character relies on. I will edit the first book with her name in, and continue writing the sequel with this chosen name.


I may not have an update today/tonight because I am drowning in homework. I am going to change the character in my Brendan Gallagher fanfiction to an actual named character rather than Y/N since it has turned into a fic and not an imagine.  Any name suggestions, or comments/concerns feel free to message me or reply because I really need the suggestions and feedback.