
in case you didn't notice, HoF is back up ;)


hi. a while back I removed House Of Fear from my Works list for the very reason that I didn't want a certain someone to read it because I thought it was horrible. in fact, I still think that it's horrible. however, it was the first story/novella that I ever actually completed and I'm proud of the ideas and originality I was able to muster from within my mind. I'm not going to publish it all at the same time, but it will be fully republished sooner or later. 
          I may or may not go back to it and edit it. By editing, I mean changing some plot lines and characters. it's pretty obvious that those characters were based off of myself and some friends. since then, things have changed between those people and I so I feel that it's kind of awkward to leave the story like that. it all depends on how much time and motivation I have because I am a hot mess of emotions/stress and schoolwork. 
          thank you to those who have read this work and supported it-- it really means a lot to me. 


if I posted a story(which is already completed, don't fret, pets) that had to do with some fallen angel defying her "evil" nature and saving the whole planet, would any of you read it? it's not really long, but I'm still having second thoughts about uploading it.