Looking back at my fanfics(i cringed and couldn't even get past the first picture) but anyways!!<E2r34mg3refdcx, I wanna continue the book about Brendon and Dallon! SOooO, i need you guys to dm me on instagram( @cheezwhizking or @dallonweekesmom) wattpad,( @brendonandryanross or @thatonerynrssstan) or twitter,(@v_i_o_l_e_n_t). So the 'rules' for this little thing areee
1) No belittling Brendon or Dallon, if you don't like one of them send something nice about the other one.
2)Be respectful with the things you say
opkay thats it bye fuxckers!lolol
okay but really don't let this flop