
SAMPLE CHAPTER POSTED!! Not sure when I will have the complete story posted (since it's not complete, but I am working on those last 50 pages) but here's something to dip your toes in and see if you're even interested in waiting. THANKS!


Hi. I just finished reading Panther Undated, which is a really well written book. I am wondering if you are still writing, or even still alive. Cheers!
          A fellow reader


@bri1019 As long as you dont let your writing spark die, ita all good. Always write for fun and never write because you feel the oblogations to write. Good to know you are still alive lol. :)


@flower4ever17 it's been a year since you posted this but yes I am living. I changed from writing to produce to only writing for personal enjoyment while I focus on college. I'm considering posting those stories once I finish rather than regular uploads . 


11:19 PM where I am and as hot as.... I can't think of anything clever to say. Trying to do some work on my next novel currently unnamed but called Minstrel right now in google docs. I was gaining ground before my brief break but now that I'm working on it again, I think the deadline is going to have to be pushed back a month. I simply do not like the way it's going and I need to change my perspective on this so I can produce quality writing that makes people want to read more, not vomit from the rampant cliches. Sorry guys :( but I won't put something out that I would not read myself and I think I've made the right call in posting only completed stories due to my tendency to go back and change the past fifty pages rather than minor changes. Please keep your eyes posted though! I will very soon be posting the beginning chapter so you can dip your feet in and see if this even something you think is worth waiting for. Thanks!!! Stay awesome, my friends!!!!!!


Your book The Panther Uncaged is truly amazing. It  is one of the best books I have ever read. I would just like to say thank you for creating such an amazing book and I hope you continue to write more books. 


@Dracover Thank you very much! I appreciate you taking the time to read it and I with words like that, I absolutely will try to produce more writings of better quality!


"  Both had thick brogues from this land and despite my slight accent from the many years I had spent here, I knew I could never hope to match such a native tongue. I heard items being collected and finally a stall being opened, making me impatient for them to leave so I could rest again. A loud whine outside the door of my new bed-stall startled me enough to inhale deeply. 
          “Aye? What be it ye find, Albern?”
          I sat up quickly upon hearing heavy footsteps. I answered, not willing to risk startling either of the two.
          “Tis only me.”
          A rather young man stared down at me with a perplexed smile and twinkling blue eyes.
          “Aye, tis only the wee lass. What be it that brings ye here to this fine establishment?”
          An abrupt laugh left me at his sarcastic choice of words and I smiled back, liking this man and recognizing him as the one that had caused such a strange silence in the inn.
          “Why, many things might bring a lass like me here. The prickly straw and smell of horse dung being the finest of reasons, eh?”
          The man threw back his head and let loose a hearty laugh.
          “Lass ye have a tongue as sharp as yer skills on the cittern.”
          Brief introduction to two essential characters in the next novel I'm working on: a historical fiction from a whole lot of histories. I'm taking a two week hiatus from writing due to high school senior business but will have this completed and posted by the end of April, if not before! Stay awesome, my friends!


Hey Brianna, I just wanted to take the time to thank you for adding my story 'Something Like Fate' to your reading list. I hope you enjoy reading it :D


@bri1019 That's so sweet of you to say, thank you for your kind words! And good luck with your story! :)


@FeministGrrrl1001 This was a message from wwayyyy long ago (4 years to be exact) but I just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to send this message. I've only recently published my first story but when I was posting it, I kept my image of what a good writer should do for their audience and many things you do (as one of the first writers I followed) stuck with me. You really helped me to start off as someone who communicates with their audience and continue to do so. Thanks again for being a writer I could admire and aspire to be!