
Hey, if youre still intersted in Home. For one. Things are moving accounts sadly. NEW ACCOUNT there's nothing there yet, but I'm going to be transferring things over because of what was mentioned in the last update. Give me a day or two and things will resume as normal on my new account. I'm sorry for the i convenience. I hate this. :( PM me with any questions on this account. Again, I'm sorry. And if you see this message twice, I apologize for the spam. I've recruited some people to help spread the word. And if you want to help me out if you know some readers, I wouldn't be opposed!


Hi, I just wanted to thank you for the vote on Home. I hope you continue to enjoy it!


@bri421 That makes my day to know that it's one of your favorites. It's an awesome compliment!


@Brookie_Wilson lol I love the story sooooooooooooo much! (Tis actually one of my favorites right now) and yes omc I love markimoo 