I love you and I know I haven't talked to you in like a day and I know your going through stuff and I am sorry but I love you so much please don't be upset with me and I know your trying so much but
Everything is going to be okay and it'd it's not okay then it's not the end.
I know I keep saying it's going to be okay but I am saying it because I really do believe it will be okay
and when i was a wreck having panic attacks or whatever and you were there for me or when i started "getting hurt" you were there and you stopped me thank you so much brianna for everything you do or have done i might not say this alot or at all but thank you and i am sorry for everything i have put you through i love you and thank you for being there for me
well i had this whole paragraph typed on how i am so happy we met but wattpad fracking deleted it when it was sending but i love you and i am so happy that hag hurlbrink put us next to each other [ i am grounded thats why i am on this account and i am suppose to be doing a book report but oh whale] ad i am so glade that tyron always talked about you or else i wouldnt know who you are [even if it took us 2 years to realize we could be friends and that we arent stuck up] but anyways i am so glad that we could be friends and i love you and i am thankful that you were always there for me even if i am a mean bitch i am sorry and i am happy that your there for me when life sucks and i try to be there for you to and i am sorry if i suck at be a friend but your the best friend i could ever ask for and thank you for not leaving after you found out things or when my mom yelled at you for the stupid coke thank you so much i can't say this in person because my brain gets jumbled up when i try to say something and i can never think good but i am thankful for ever thing you do all the late nights i would call you crying you didnt hang up till i am sleeping or calmed down or when i would hang up you would call me back because you knew i wasnt okay and you were there when i would go days with out sleep and thank you i love you