It's Taylor Hawkins birthday today, I just noticed. He's the drummer for the Foo Fighters, definitely love his style. I've loved drums since always, and Mr Roger Taylor made me look into that world and see how much talent every decent drummer has. Because playing drums isn't just about banging some tombs and cymbals like your life depends on it, it's about something more. That way I got to realise how much talent Roger had and now that I've discovered Taylor, how much he has. How much work and passion there is behind his work and songs. And the humility he has and the genuine he is... It's just inspiring. And that's what art is about, it's about inspiring people, so I can proudly say that I've been inspired by him among many others. I can say that I look up at him, because Taylor does art, and that's what's he's been doing since a toddler. So yeah, thank you Taylor Hawkins. I love you, we all do. Btw Dave Grohl (the singer and a guitarist from the Foo Fighters) announced that there was a finished new album that was going to be published any time this year, if anyone cares. I recommend you to check them out and with a little bit of luck you'll be a fan when the new record comes by :)

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@ briansclogs i did not expect this deep reflection fangirling, this shit's moving