Black. Lives. Matter. I know many of you are probably younger than me, but even though I’m 18, I still feel like a kid. For anyone, especially young people, the current world state is overwhelming. Just know that It’s a good thing to be angry and upset by the racism and police brutality in america. Don’t be afraid to demand change. It’s also okay to not understand everything right now, as long as you are listening, keeping an open heart/mind, researching and doing your best to educate yourself. It’s okay to be scared by the looting and the fires— just please understand the pain and frustration behind these acts and sympathize with our fellow humans rather than the burning buildings. If you are confused right now, it’s okay. Most of us are kids on this app and we’re all still developing our moral compasses. If there is one thing you should be certain about it is that you should never let racism stand. To all white people: call out bigotry and hate whenever you see it. To all black people: I hear you, and I feel your pain and I stand with you as an ally.