
Doing my best to get an update out for Rightfully His. Didn’t forget ya’ll. I’m just stuck. 


baby did you just remove the flower shop ? are you planning on ever bring it back ? no need to continue it if you don’t feel like it or anything, just for us readers who love it so much for what it is and love to reread your beautiful work ❤️


@-venusxls I don’t plan on bringing it back. I haven’t touched it since 2021 and it has been collecting dust and has been a reminder how I failed at getting it completed. It would be unfair if I picked it back up cause I myself forgot everything about it and it no longer excites me. But I am so glad it gave many people joy, it brought me a lot of joy at one point. It really helped jumpstart me as I moved on. Your support and everyone else’s that loved it really does make me happy to know that I was able to provide others comfort. 


I was wondering if there will be any other women drama or cheating in rightfully his?


@MallikaGupta2 I get it! I had to stop a book once because of something scandalous that didn’t sit well and stopped reading. So I try and write books that make me happy. I do have a new concept for a book that is definitely out of wheelhouse. It’s super different from what I usually write. It’s also out of pocket, left field kinda thing. I’ve always wanted to tell someone about it without publishing because it’s very scary putting something out there and hoping people like it. It’s definitely out of my comfort zone with this book idea


I don't take any intrest in such topics I love feel good books as well. Tbh I usually ask before getting disappointed reading such things it's better to know beforehand.


@MallikaGupta2 thank you so much for not adding other women drama in the book, I personally feel the same about these topics. 


Does anyone feel like they’ve lost their identity or control of their life? I just came to that realization just now. After moving in with my bf, I’ve lost the closest friends I had before him. I love my bf dearly, but I no longer have a social life and as I see them having fun on snap I can’t help but feel like I’m missing out. I’ve been forgotten and I feel stuck in place. I used to go out and have fun all the time, but now I’m constantly home and feeling like life is passing me by. And with my health, it has only intensified these feelings. I don’t know…I just don’t feel like myself anymore. 


You’ve gotta take control girl ! You could reach out, or even just try finding some new hobbies. To them it may seem as though you only want to be around your bf, I’ve been in both yours and the friends position. I hope he’s the one for you x 


Oh trust me, I get that! With me, it made me think more about who I am, and how I’ve changed that I’m just not on the same wavelength with the people I surrounded myself with. So just take each day as it comes and focus on you, don’t get caught up with what others are up to, it’ll only make you feel worse. 


@brightlights101 i feel so sorry for you.  I hope everything gets better and if you want to talk I'm up here 


Hey when are you updating Rightfully His?


@brightlights101 oh no take your time no rush I hope you get better ❤️‍ 


@the_Mystery_writerr I’ve been working on a chapter as of recently. It’s in its rough stage right now but trying to get it out soon 


Hey quick question. It’s been awhile was his promise removed?


@brightlights101 Okay, sad to see it go, but I understand. Thanks for letting me know.


@ReturningToNature yes, unfortunately I removed His Promise 