Hey! People of the Internet

Name's Natalie and I am supposed to be doing homework....uhhhhhh
anyway I am a Demigod! Potterhead! Tribute! Divergent! Etc!
And I already have a SUPER loooong list of books to read and as I mentioned homework. (Gah)
BUT! Suumer is COMING!! Yay! READING TIME!!!
By the waaay I <3 !!!!!! as you probably can tell

So what I like to do in my free time :
`Read Books
`Buy Books (If I ever get money....which is never....)
`Look at picture of Books - FAN ART TOO!! (But I am a TERRIBLE artist...)
`Read Books reviews
`Look at my Books to read list
`Edit my Books to read list
`Add to my Books to read list
`Smell Books

Oh did I saw FREE time? I meant BOOK time.

Anyway Must leave now otherwise my GPA will go down down down down....ETC!
I REFUSE TO FAIL....But DARN you school!


But before that THINGS I LOVE!!!!!!!!!
1. !!!!
2. .....
3. GAH!
4. and finally WATERMELON!!!

BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! INTERNET PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!

Wow. You actually read the whole thing. Here's a blue cookie. *Gives Blue Cookie to You*
  • Flying from Hogwarts, Camp Half-Blood and more....
  • JoinedJanuary 27, 2014