
hello everyone!
          	i apologize for the radio silence so i feel it is appropriate to update you on what is going on. the art of romanticism will be going on a hiatus. i am working on a big project, which is a fantasy duology that is set in the same universe as the truth about monsters. taor will return in 2021
          	thank you for your support! and happy belated nano to anyone participating!


Hi there!,I'm the new girl on the block and honestly feeling a bit like the new kid in school.  But hey, I've got this book 'Whispers of Shadow" that's like a piece of my soul, and I'd love for you to check it out. If it brings a smile to your face or a thought to your mind, let me know! Your comments and votes would mean the world and keep this writer's heart beating.
          Here is the link:

          Looking forward to connecting and sharing stories with you!


hello everyone!
          i apologize for the radio silence so i feel it is appropriate to update you on what is going on. the art of romanticism will be going on a hiatus. i am working on a big project, which is a fantasy duology that is set in the same universe as the truth about monsters. taor will return in 2021
          thank you for your support! and happy belated nano to anyone participating!