this message may be
@Sabriel_is_my_otp_ child, my dear specamin. I am a deranged, very much odd... rather pointless human being. I have no life. I am just a fan boy drifting through the endless abyss of anime, manga and gay sex; I'm not a particularly temperate individual. I can assure you that your being includes more than the rather pointless motion of a 'flop', you are a person. You are a dignified, important, one-of-a-kind 'flop'.
You know what? There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with being a flop, fuck me, if you can't be the greatest person to ever fall, move, or hang in a loose and ungainly way. You go out there, grab life by its old wrinkly testicular region and rucking squeeze.
I'm proud of you. I believe in you.
You can fucking do it.