
~Dear followers~
          	Okay everyone, the first two updates are up. There is officially a new book posted “Justice Will Be Served, If Not Its To Be Taken” 
          	Please everyone give it a chance and share it as much as you can, the more people who are able to read it, the more people it will have the chance of helping. 
          	We will try to update it as open as possible, but keep in mind that most of us are still in school an live busy lives with that, so updates will happen, but just not on a regular basis. 
          	~Stay safe, stay strong, and never forget - your not alone anymore!~
          	 #Bringskarmatoyou xx


Wow!! I think its really special. What you all are doing is really cool and inspiring. I'll be sure to help in any way possible. Just say the word. I'm not that popular on Wattpad, but I'll be sure to spread the word of what you guys are doing, as much as posse and hopefully inspire someone like you guys. Keep it up!!  


@Jay_Peace Any way possible. Just ask, and I'll try my hardest to get it done!


@Jay_Peace Anytime, well actually a friend of mine asked me to check it out. And I'm happy she told me to. I think this a great cause, and i would love to be a part of it and help.


            thanks a lot, Jay. It does mean a lot, thank you. Every bit of help counts no matter how big or small =)


~Dear followers~
          Okay everyone, the first two updates are up. There is officially a new book posted “Justice Will Be Served, If Not Its To Be Taken” 
          Please everyone give it a chance and share it as much as you can, the more people who are able to read it, the more people it will have the chance of helping. 
          We will try to update it as open as possible, but keep in mind that most of us are still in school an live busy lives with that, so updates will happen, but just not on a regular basis. 
          ~Stay safe, stay strong, and never forget - your not alone anymore!~
           #Bringskarmatoyou xx


Just wanted to let everyone know that a book 'Justice Is To Be Served, If Not It's To Be Taken' will be posted shortly. 
          Thank you to everyone who is following our account, and sharing it also. Hopefully one day we can all say we have made a change for the better.
          Stay tuned for further notices and updates.


Why do you guys think Karma is real?  


            Ive answered that one, is up to the other 3 now to answer...