Aye what it be lmao. For all those wondering, I’ve been gone for a very long time, finishing high school, etc.. I’ve been on many hiatuses because I’ve– very often, found myself caught up in drama or too stressed out with life’s responsibilities as I’ve grown into adulthood. I guess I should do a reintroduction to those who don’t know me and followed me because I wrote choppy homestuck stories.
I’m Briaunna, my friends call me Bri. I graduated high school an entire year early because I wanted to get a head start on college. I’m engaged and moving in with my fiancé next month, very excited for that. I tutor art to kids below 10 and I wouldn’t trade that for the world. I work as a server in my hometown, making money for myself and for my fiancé (although he’s the main income), we are a partnership. I haven’t written stories in who knows how long, even if I often promise to get back to writing stories. I frequent my hiatuses so much because I am often so afraid that I’ll mess up during the editing process and that I’ll forget an important plot line in the story. I never officially finished reading homestuck, I’m not even sure if I ever got to the 3rd act, the majority of things I knew about homestuck was stuff that I had heard from old friends. This is a major point in why I stopped writing, I kept getting comments saying that my story didn’t make sense with Homestuck, and I was starting to think: ‘maybe it doesn’t, I never entirely read homestuck’. I just feared writing for the longest time. I’m also really bad at writing war scenes, which I’m sure you readers know.
I’m sorry for being gone so long! I’m going to try my best to be here and revise and at least try to continue my stories and finish out this series. I’ll see you again derpicorns!