Hello, my loves! Long time no see in the year of 2024. I owe all of you an apology; I am just a (very recently turned) 24-year-old who is hyper-independent and lives on her own. I got my heartbroken this year, for the first time in a long time, and with that on top of a lot of things that also went wrong, it was just a really rough year too. I lost touch with writing, not purposely or forever, but I didn’t have much to say, and sometimes I had too much to say that I couldn’t get it out in a healthy way. I still struggle sometimes. Oh, I also broke my laptop, which hasn’t been the greatest thing. I don’t have an exact time of when I will update, and I don’t want to give any false dates to any of you, so just know I appreciate you so much, all of you, the ones who checked in and messaged me personally; I always think of you guys and these adventures, and I will be back AS SOON as I can, my loves. I miss you guys sm.