Hello, Sorry if I'm disturbing you but I wondered if you got my reply messages okay? I've been having a few problems with my inbox messages lately and not everyone's been able to receive my replies. Wattpad knows over the issue but hasn't fixed it yet.
@british_girl_12 Hi, did you want me to delete this message block? I just used this since I didn't have any other way to double check without the inbox messages.
@british_girl_12 No that's completely fine. Glad everything worked out for you. I was just worried that my message glitched and didn't send. Other's have been having the same problem and I didn't want you to assume that I was ignoring you or something if that was the case.
Oh yes I did! Sorry if I didn't reply im on summer holidays rn and I'm in France rn so I've been a bit busy. I started writing the story and figured out each characters role. Hunk is mr Potts, lance is the candle (forgot his name) matt is chip, allura is the wardrobe, and shiro is the clock (also forgot his name) sadly I've decided not to include corn in this along side romelle :(