@APHFrance- He turned back around to glare at him. "I'm just fine, there's nothing wrong with me." He sighed and fell back against the couch. "You're not going to leave are you?"
//;Hey everyone following me! Hi! Um, I'm Kiku. It's a pleasure to meet you all and to hopefully be friends. I'm always open for any kind of roleplay or to chat. Just pm, comment, or whatever!
Have a good day!
@PoisonousCupcxke Arthur stopped and considered his words. With a small huff he muttered an apology. He glanced at him before repeating it louder. "There.. "
@britsandpieces "Wow, what did I do to deserve such rudeness? I just wanted to thank you for following me." Oliver crossed his arms with a pout. "But if you're going to act like that I'll just leave anyway."
The artist looked Arthur up and down, as if to decide something. Her hands were behind her back but one suddenly moved to the front in a friendly greeting. "Hello! I'm Angie Yonaga! The Ultimate Artist!" She was quick to introduce herself, smiling brightly as she did.
|| @britsandpieces ||
"Angie is doing just wonderful!" She quickly responded with. She had made a strange switch to third-person but acted like it was normal. "Why aren't you feeling so well? Everyone should feel well!" It was obvious that she was a very eccentric person.
@--ArtArtArt Arthur straightened his posture and stuffed his hands into the long black trenchcoat he wore. "Ah, well I could be better I suppose. But what can a man like me do?" He mused slightly before looking at her. "And you, love?"
|| @britsandpieces ||
The girl, now known as Angie, tilted her head with the same smile. "How are you doing to today Arthur?" She totally ignored that fact that she surprised him with her movement.
@APH_Lovino "Excuse you! What the hell does that mean!? I can follow people without expecting a reward from them! Besides, the only reward I got was your bloody lecture!" He hissed right back taking a step forward. "Fine. I don't need you either. "
@APH_Lovino Arthur glared at him. "It was a polite thing to do. And if this is how you'll treat me because I was being polite I'd rather not follow you. " He crossed his arms. "Twat. "
@The_Lovely_Shy_Girl Arthur stared after her until it dawned on him he should probably run after her. "Hey! Wait! Stop!" A pale hand grabbed the flower crown as it fell and he continued running.