
Inherited is finished!


So, I only have the epilogue left to write for Inherited. I just want to thank anyone who read the story or voted. I've really loved writing Kate's story and it's given me the confidence to write more! I'll begin editing Inherited in the next few weeks but I will also be beginning another story in that time so watch this space!! I have a few very different ideas for what to write next so there's more coming that will be completely different to Inherited! in the meantime, thank you again to everyone who follows me, this sites has me thinking it's possible for me to properly write again! Thanks :-)


Due to moving house I haven't written anything in a while but I plan to be back real soon! I will be finishing Inherited most likely in the next week and I already have plans for my next few stories lined up. As it is, I only want to work on one at a time so each story gets the attention it deserves.
          Anyway, the point is, I'll be back!


During the writing of the fourth chapter of "Inherited" I realised that in my excitement to write the third chapter (The Next Day), I really lost my character, which is really disappointing. So, in the next few days I am planning to rewrite that chapter in the hopes that I can create a more consistent character. I'm not sure if anyone reads these, but I just wanted to type out what I was doing more for my own benefit (I really struggle with editing so I need to push myself to do it properly) Thanks for reading :-)