
i may or may not be in the process of writing a dnf fanfic haha nope


guys i just ran into a door :D
          like with full knowledge and everything i kind of just went 'oh there's a door!' and then walked straight into it
          felt like that needed to be shared 


@broadway_bee Yeah, it really is. I laugh after running into a door or wall and my parents look at me like 'wtf, is this really what my daughter is like' I have a feeling they have a small feeling I may end up in a mental hospital one day and I totally agree lol


@lilypotter6457 lmaoo very fun isnt it


hello all! i haven't been updating my stories and its bc ive been really busy. i have two more weeks of testing before summer and i can spend a LOT of time on wattpad. ive put off updating for a looong time, so im sorry about that. 
          anyway i would like to tell you you're amazing :)