
@n_e_v_e_r_l_a_n_d how mundane. well, there was a storm a few days ago. gaaah, when is summer even going to start here in canada


Okay. I understand how you might have taken this the wrong way. I apologize. 
          Just let it be known that I happen to be 100% Asian myself. Every single square centimeter of me is Chinese. I'm not "inferring", as you've so nicely put it. I've experienced it myself. Pressuring parents, strict routines, all of it. Goodness, I didn't even go to a sleepover when everybody else was going to parties.
          I come from a school in which the demographics of it is Asian.
          I should probably know that not all Asians get good grades. And I do. Some of them play a real mean game of basketball- but can't understand the latest concept of math without a lot of practice. And some of them are in math class three grades ahead of their actual grade.
          And I understand that not Asians look the same. I don't wear glasses. I have big eyes (or so I've been told). Heck, I've met an albino Chinese girl who had the prettiest blonde hair I've ever seen.
          What I was trying to put into place was that he happened to be a person that fit into the strange categorizations that have been put into place. Not by me, but by society. It is because of this categorization that when I say "Asian", it is understood that he probably gets good grades, probably wears glasses, etc,. I was not categorizing anyone. I was merely using the stereotype already placed. I understand that it probably wasn't the best move, but so far all the other pure Asians I know have absolutely no problem with this story. In fact, they relate to it.
          I modeled Otto over myself, and so I took a bit of offense that you were really quick to bash it. My offense is not warranted though, and I'm glad that you expressed your opinion in a very kind way.
          In fact, this story was going to partly be about going against these stereotypes.
          Thank you for your concerns.