People are born everyday, yet each one is special. Imagine how unique those selected few must be who ate born in thousands of Yeats. They are the Freelancers, recognized only by the powerful birth mark on their backs. A number of them are born every 3000years on the same day with a sacred necklace that can bring a corpse back to life and can sustain a person condemned to death for thousands of years at end.
A decade and eight years ago four Freelancers were born into the world with their sacred chain and birthmark. They begin their quests, uniting the four pillars of the freelancers state, finding their soul mate and conquering the evil of the world in all ways they could. Conquering the evil of the world could be more harder when they are born into the world of evil?.
You might know them, you may know their names, they live among us and are also human, they are normal but also more..... They are the Freelancers.
Follow their story