It’s funny how my fic is ranked 11 for flug like I’m some kind of revolutionary writer but in reality I was just a closeted Gay who didn’t know how to act and projected it onto fictional characters.
In all seriousness I don’t think I’ll continue the fic, it’s been too long and my hearts not in it. IM SO APPRECIATIVE OF ALL THE LOVE AND ATTENTION ITS GOTTEN! It Brings me me joy to see it’s brought all of you joy. You guys really make me feel somewhat capable as a writer, and while I sadly don’t have the passion for this project anymore and what most of you are here for, I’m trying to branch out my horizons and work On new works of writing. I hope all of you don’t become upset by this, and I’m sorry to see this fic end like it has. Maybe some day I’ll write some more, as I have some messy unpublished drafts, but I’m not counting on it.
Thanks guys :) read on