


If you miss me, I'm just a phone call away, please be strong, be strong for me. I need you to show me, how to change the inside of me, for my heart for their sake, be strong, be strong for me ~Kellin Quinn.
           We all love you Ellie, stay with us, we need you. Each and every one of us. I'm always here, always. <3 xxxx


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Hey bby,keep smiling,i know how hard it might be right know but you will pull threw it,look at gerard way-he survived so will you,mikey,oli,vic,frankie,lynz,pete,ben, they all felt the way you do,some of them still do but they all made it,tey survived and they are all walking talking proof that it gets better,yeah maybe you wont be famous like them but it will get will,maybe not tonight or tomorow,or the next day but you will pull threw and we will all help you,you are one of my fav people,you mean the most to me,it wouldnt be the same without you,you may read this and ignore it but i want to let you know im here. 
          Your future is in your hands,you decide what way it goes,you decide weather you want to keep it, but where here to help you decide,keep it,you may think your life has no value or meaning at the moment but you wont feel like that forever and we all love you,we love you so much and even if you dont,we value your life,we love you.
          Your flaws,your imperfections even your depression thats what makes you,thats what makes you beautiful. 
          *goes cross eyed* "there are two beautiful girls in front of me,there both you,one of them is your personality,so beautiful, so perfect and so funny. Then you,your body your looks, beautiful,amazing hair,perfect shiny eyes,amazing figure and such amazing soft,and i know you hate them but i find them completely adorable,your chubby cheeks."
          Even,while looking threw the pics from london,my mum commented on how pretty you are,i,of course,agreed.
          *grabs your collar* YOUR MY BEST FUCKING FRIEND AND I WOULD DIE FOR YOU!!!! 
          I love you,never forget that:) 
          My perfect lil' frankie xxxxxxxxxx