
we’re back to pink bïtches


hello there, I'm just going around telling AMRY to take care of themselves today. Please do that! Have a warm bath, listen to some BTS, dance and let loose, or even read some wholesome or epic fanfic, whatever floats your boat! I have some BTS fanfic myself and if you have time to read it, it would mean a lot, no pressure of course! Have a beautiful day army, I purple you!


i hope everyone is supporting blm movements the best they can; signing petitions, joining peace protests safely and spreading the word and encouraging others. but in this time of sadness please also remember to keep yourself healthy mentally and physically. look after yourself and others. 
          i’ll be on a break from writing for a while because all of my teachers have shortened my deadlines, that and with everything going on in the world it currently isn’t my first priority. 
          please stay safe and keep doing you part. if anyone needs sending any links for where they can sign petitions please dm me. one person can make all the difference x