
this message may be offensive
Update: took a turn for the worse.Moved to an Intensive care unit and I on life support. I'm not allowed to move or leave my bed. Tube down my throat and up my nose and 4 new stitches. I literally can't breathe, I'm on a ventilator which is breathing for me. I can only wake for a  bit at a time. I'm fucking exhausted. Nurse said that overdose could've easily killed me and if the homeless guy hadn't found me and called 999 I'd be dead. I wish he hadn't found me


@brokenotaku16  that homeless man is the most nicest man on earth hope u r better now


Thank you for your ongoing support, means the world❤️


@brokenotaku16 Please survive. We love you! And it's a blessing to me that he did find you.


this message may be offensive
Update: took a turn for the worse.Moved to an Intensive care unit and I on life support. I'm not allowed to move or leave my bed. Tube down my throat and up my nose and 4 new stitches. I literally can't breathe, I'm on a ventilator which is breathing for me. I can only wake for a  bit at a time. I'm fucking exhausted. Nurse said that overdose could've easily killed me and if the homeless guy hadn't found me and called 999 I'd be dead. I wish he hadn't found me


@brokenotaku16  that homeless man is the most nicest man on earth hope u r better now


Thank you for your ongoing support, means the world❤️


@brokenotaku16 Please survive. We love you! And it's a blessing to me that he did find you.


this message may be offensive
          The day he got away with it
          He ruined so many lives
          Broke so many minds
          Haunted so many souls
          And he's allowed to stroll round the community like nothing fucking happened. 
          and I'll never fucking forget it.
          It's Catherine McLellan.
          If Philip Kelly is reading this, I will get justice someday. Just you wait and see,pervert.