
@Babeya15 heyy ^_^


Ur storu "My magical and strange Life"" is good. ;-) I would suggest u wouldn't write run-on sentences so the readers won't get confused. Also, try to make the reader guess what going to happen next instead of telling them exactly what it is(in other words, don't be so obvious!) ;-) CatsxCookies, Itsnotcatsfault13


OMG 903 reads :D
          only 97 more reads to 1000 :D
          wont b uploadin for a while, nxt chapters gonna b really long, maybe not 12 pages, buh near that, and it took me daiis to write that chapter :P
          keeping reading :D <3


@loloff11 Helllooooo ^_^ 
          Yehh i freak out if sum1 fans me, i only have 2 :/ :P
          I was on ur profile and u just sounded soo awesum! I love twilight and harry potter too!  and ur stories are awesum too :D
          Hehe i luv hugs! :D *air hug back* ^_^ 


HEELLOO, just want to say that when i logged in into wattpad and went to my profile... I WAS FREAKING OUT!! wanna know why??? bc U my dearest, beautiful friend have fanned me. thank u so so so so so so so so so so so MUCH!1! i would hug u rite now but i cant physically see ya sooooo. *air hug*!