Hey :) Long time no chapter.... unfortunately this isn't a message to announce another goodie from my side... I know I have been away for some time now, but I'm no stranger to what is happening around here.... therefore this a message of an official hiatus from this platform, and I will take away with me my book and I would like to apologize to those who were waiting for a new chapter. Life hasn't been quite nice and busy is an understatement, so I had zero time to put into my hobby and my precious creation. As of now, with the changes that are happening, I will take down my book because I rather do it myself than waking up one day without it. Not to worry, the chappies are safe with me and maybe one day I will post them back here, and no, I haven't been thinking of using another platform to share my work. This is my first book, so of course it needs some changes, or quite a lot actually, so if I were to post them again, they will probably be a little different. In any case, for anyone who might be reading or might have read my baby (Awakening), thank you for your support until now and hope to see you someday again between the snarky comment of Chris and Kent. :) Until then, stay safe and out of trouble! Lots of kisses! Cristina xoxo

@ambermoon3105 thank you for always being there to support me :) I will never forget how you pushed me to continue to write even through tough times. The past is the past and Karma will get them all eventually, I don't even worry about that :)

@ cristinairiza you are such an amazing writer Cristi . Your incredible imagination has no end and your book show us how much talent you have!! What happened to you WAS SO UNFAIR but do not worry, time will put everything in the right place. I am so proud of you sweetie!!!!!!