
Hey everyone! My best friend wrote a book. You should give it some love! 


@brookehauck99 omg i love you brooke!


Hey would you very reconsider writing Subject 5 again I’ve started treating it and kept think back to the fic


@Aftyn04 i am unfortunately not writing on wattpad anymore. Im onto bigger and better things writing wise


Hi Brooke I have a prompt if you are still taking them for the 863 books. The reader is woods girlfriend and when matt is possessed by nelson and he ties everyone up, He takes the reader as a hostage to the spire. But the reader is hiding that she is pregnant. The reader hasn't told anyone yet. Nelson figures it out though and that's why he takes her. 


Everyone please read this 
          Brooke and I understand you all want updates on the books and especially on the one shots, but please, you all have to understand Brooke is very busy with work and I am busy with personal things going on right now. 
          Updates on ALL BOOKS will be done when her and I both have time to sit down, talk and get writing done. 
          Please be patient with us and with the writing. We understand one shots haven't been done since December but please be patient. We are trying to focus on our lives right now 
          So for the time being, ALL BOOKS WILL BE ON HOLD! 
          Please don't comment asking where the updates. The books are on hold until further notice


You okay?


@Someone_2_1_8_ I know. I appreciate you reaching out!


@brookehauck99 copy that XD it'd just been along time with radio silence 