
That awkward moment when you create the coolest idea for a book and make it a four novel series and make all sorts of characters (almost 20) and plan out how everything's going to go... but can't even write out the first damn chapter. 
          	HNNG, someone wanna help me hash out some ideas here?


That awkward moment when you create the coolest idea for a book and make it a four novel series and make all sorts of characters (almost 20) and plan out how everything's going to go... but can't even write out the first damn chapter. 
          HNNG, someone wanna help me hash out some ideas here?


ALRIGHT, so it only took me, like, four months to finally update the first chapter of Blood Moon? But it's whatever, I guess. I finally did it, so yay me.
          Also, thank my roommate for looking it up and finding out that it was a blood moon tonight, because that's 95% of the reason I finally updated it. Thanks, Shan. <3


I just read over Blood Moon's ending again and gaaah tears. *mushes*
          On a more exciting note, I have been slowly (emphasis on sloooowly) updating UmU and Nomed. Currently, I have typed up all of UmU's epilogue (though we're nowhere near ready for that yet) as well as the last couple of chapters, so I know exactly where I'm going with the book itself. I shall hopefully be updating the next chapter soon. As in, this weekend soon. If I'm lucky. 
          As for Nomed, I have most of the next chapter ready as well, just need to make it a little longer and add some twists and turns because what good is reading about his dark and tormented backstory without all the possible twists and turns, right? Right, I'm so glad we agree on things. His chapter should be up soon as well for you folks who like reading that.
          Also, seeing as school is almost over and it seems I have no summer job, I may be doing a lot more updating than originally anticipated this summer (yay?)! I plan on starting in on the third and final update of Blood Moon, now that @Cojo93 has finished her proofing of it. I'll have it marked as "Update in Progress" or something of the like, in case anyone wants to read my progress once it starts. 
          Just need to get through finals and then we're good to go!~
          Also, thanks to all of you once again for following me and reading my stories; it really truly means a lot to me. <3 Glad I'm not just doing this for myself!


Lil update!
          I have made plans to go back through Blood Moon for the third and final time this coming spring/summer and rewrite, reword, and redo each chapter to make the utmost sense while also still being enjoyable. I hope all of my faithful Blood Moon readers will like the changes I make, and that they won't take too long.
          I also plan on adding new chapters for UmU and No's story within the month. UmU next chapter is about halfway down, No's is about ... five lines in. Maybe. Whoops.
          Yet another thing I wanted to talk briefly about was another story idea i came up with about, say, 60 hours ago? Maybe? I have already written up 5 (almost 6) chapters ready to be uploaded, as well as have all sorts of media to go with it (which none of my other books have had, notoriously). I was wondering what my peeps were thinking about my adding a new book to this? There's some humor, a hopefully not-too-clichéd storyline, etc etc etc. I know I technically have three books on hold already, but to be honest I don't know where any of them are going at this point. The only one I would consider starting progress on is Deathwish, and not many people seem to be reading that anyways so. *le shrug* Opinions?


Attention, my lovely darlings.
          To those of you who have read, or perhaps simply glanced at, my very first book Blood Moon, I thank you. If you have voted, I thank you even more. It has gotten over 1k reads, and that makes me oh so happy. 35 votes makes me even happier. I truly appreciate all my lovely followers, readers, all of you.
          Anyways, on to why I'm posting this. The precious @Cojo93 has been helping me go through Blood Moon and fix any and all issues she notices as a reader instead of the writer. Thus, I ask that you do not read it again until I have officially reworked and written all that needs to be done. I will most certainly inform all of you when that is done. ^_^
          I truly appreciate all of you, however, for giving me the motivation to continue writing, even though I know I'm not all that good. <3
          Thank you, once again, from the bottom of my heart,


@Icer2638 Lol sorry love, I'm 90% done with the chapter, but with everything happening recently (staring from my week-long vacay to everything that dropped on my shoulders in the weeks that followed), I lost all my time. ^.^' It'll be up soon, though, and I fortunately have an huge portion of the one after planned. ^.^
          Lolol Blood Moon's forst chapter confused me too, rotfl. XD I was like "what even am I typing???" But Coje likes it, so apparently I'm doing something right. X)