Hey everyone...I don't know what's been going on with me, but I can assure you it's not good. My stress levels have been extremely high lately. Not to mention I haven't been sleeping properly, I have barely been eating, and my blood sugar is pretty low. I know I said I would write you guys a new chapter of the book I currently have out called "May I Have This Dance." However, I need to take a break from writing it. It's not going to be a long one. I will still continue to add some things to the second chapter here and there. It just won't be published for a while. I'm trying to sort stuff out in my life right now. My family certainly isn't helping. I have few friends left that I actually talk to. I have this natural ability to just push everyone away. I'm surprised I even have the people I have now. I love you guys. I know the book isn't that popular, but I apologize for those who like and read it. Hopefully everything will work out. -Brooklynne