
Hey guys coming here for a quick sec to say I accidentally leaked the title to my book on Twitter. So to my loyal 34 followers that have seen me go through absolute hell, I will say now that I'm gonna fully reveal it soon, so it can actually be known ; ; 


Hey guys coming here for a quick sec to say I accidentally leaked the title to my book on Twitter. So to my loyal 34 followers that have seen me go through absolute hell, I will say now that I'm gonna fully reveal it soon, so it can actually be known ; ; 


I'm crumbling because Distorted Paintings (Prev. draft of my book ) is actually pretty funny and embarrassing, I read it whenever I'm feeling down 
          I'm never getting rid of such a cringy masterpiece 
          13 year old me is crying about me making fun of him but honestly cry more lil dude (Started planning Distorted Paintings in May 2020, funfact, Pip's story was originally going to be in a graphic novel format :] ! And was gonna be named Distorted Paintings, obviously..... But its a different name now and much more awesome :D And Pip's trauma is ALOT ) 


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Reading the second draft to Pip's story is absolutely torture y'all [Skull emoji] 
          LIKE WHY WAS PALLETTE (referring to him as an entirely different entity) SO FUCKING FULL OF HIMSELF GAHHH how did the few of you read my writing without cringing (assuming you didn't...... ) 14 to (early) 16 year old me was so damn cringy with my writing, it isn't funny, I'm glad I decided to create a third draft
          Anywho, I'm 59,000 words into that third draft now!!! I don't know if I'll share it to Wattpad, but if it gets accepted into a publishing company, I most definitely will not 
          I will share the first three chapters as a "demo" though OwO


Y'all I'm on chapter nine of Pip's story and I'm almost at the climax I'm going insane
          My fingertips burn a little but I'm going to continue anyways because I love writing 
          I suffered HORRIBLE writer's block all throughout October, November and December and I wanna make up for it 


Hello, its been awhile but— Alot has happened. ALOT alot. I'm still working on Pip's story, but I do have a short story I can share, so I'm going to make a new book! I made the short story back in October for an assignment in my creative writing class, but I completely forgot about it- I'll share tomorrow or the day after, but be warned, its fanfiction :pp 


Hello again y'all :O SO I'M STILL WORKING ON PIP'S FULL STORY NN STUFF :D !!!! Its going good, I've been using my school computer to type nn stuff :3 . I occasionally use my phone, and I've been getting better at typing on it, so :D !! 
          I'm doing what I can :3 . I can't promise anything, but I /am/ working on things, may share some short stories soon :3 


Update so y'all know I'm not like. Dead or something [Skull emoji] 
          I've been working on the prologue to Pip's story for about a 2 weeks. Most of the time before was research (his story was inaccurate) figuring out a new layout, and writing scenes. 
          So, while I'm still not going to publish the story here yet, I am confident that it'll be done by the middle of 2024. I'm working really, really hard to make this a reality, as I've been super eager about Pip's story for YEARS. 
          And now, its finally happening.