
this message may be offensive
yo! im posting soon! stay tuned! I'm really exited about this! I have amazing ideas for future fanfics! ahhhhhh I've been having such a great day!  so its gonna be called "he moved in...|zach Herron|" I'm fucking excited! I can't believe I'm posting my first fanfic! I've been writing stories about the boys ever since I became a limelight and I can finally share them! I'm so exited to share this with you guys!


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yo! im posting soon! stay tuned! I'm really exited about this! I have amazing ideas for future fanfics! ahhhhhh I've been having such a great day!  so its gonna be called "he moved in...|zach Herron|" I'm fucking excited! I can't believe I'm posting my first fanfic! I've been writing stories about the boys ever since I became a limelight and I can finally share them! I'm so exited to share this with you guys!