
Haii~ Yes, yes I’m very much alive and back with my annoying dose of positivity. You can’t get rid of me that soon don’t worry(◡ ω ◡)
          ☄️Somebody out there is holding their breath and waiting for you to fail. Make sure that they suffocate( ̄ヘ ̄)
          ☄️You’re the artist of your own life. Don’t hand the paintbrush to anyone elseಠ_ʖಠ
          ☄️If you think you’re too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquitoರ_ರ
          ☄️When something goes wrong in your life, just yell: PLOT TWIST, and move on(*❛‿❛)→
          ☄️Doubting yourself is normal. Letting it stop you is a choice⊙﹏⊙
          ☄️You know, today I bought a packet of salted nuts and on the packet it read: “Warning, may contain nuts.” Well I’d be disappointed if I open the packet and a sock fell off(─.─)
          ☄️If we aren't meant to have midnight snacks, then why is there a light in the fridge? O_o
          Sksk I think these are enough for the day. I hope you’re doing okay and if not, remember that this isn’t the end. You’ve a long way to go still, just make sure to put on a smile while on it. I’m here if you want to talk or vent. Take care <3


☾︎❤︎☽︎ ✨ ☾︎❤︎☽︎✨ ☾︎❤︎☽︎ ✨☾︎❤︎☽︎✨ ☾︎❤︎☽︎ ✨             
           ❣︎                   Cry if needed.                           ❣︎
           ❣︎             Slow down if needed.                    ❣︎
           ❣︎             Reevaluate if needed.                    ❣︎
           ❣︎             Take a break if needed.                 ❣︎
           ❣︎          Talk to someone if needed.             ❣︎
           ❣︎                                                                       ❣︎
           ❣︎          But you'll never see the reward       ❣︎
           ❣︎                        If you quit.                            ❣︎
           ❣︎         Keep going and never give up          ❣︎
           ❣︎                       on yourself.                           ❣︎
          ☾︎❤︎☽︎ ✨ ☾︎❤︎☽︎✨ ☾︎❤︎☽︎ ✨☾︎❤︎☽︎✨ ☾︎❤︎☽︎✨
               Don't think too much, just know that your problems will become a memory one day, you'll laugh at. Try to enjoy life in any given circumstances, trust me it'll make you stronger.
                Life's not tough, we make it tough for ourselves sometimes. But a smile eases it, so I hope you'll smile after reading this. 
            You're smiling, right? If not, then smile, look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself "I'm beautiful, both inside and out, I don't need to waste my time thinking about things that aren't worth my precious seconds," and move towards your dream! Come on, you can do this!
          Lots of love ❤️ stay happy!
          Stay smiling ❤️ ❤️


❤️✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨  ❤️
          ✨If you're reading this, then may the good.  ✨
          ✨God remove all your pains, problems         ✨
          ✨and worries and replace them with health ✨
          ✨ happiness and peace.                                  ✨
          ✨~Unknown.                                                      ✨
          ❤️✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨   ❤️
                                        May your day or night
                         be filled with positivity and 
                                                                 Self love<3
          P.s- I know that this sounds like those YouTube comments xD