Hey guys, well now that I've been out of school for summer vacation for three days, I was really hoping that I'd have more chapters for you guys. But, my body's worn out...to the point where even going to softball practice or a game is a drag to me. I really need to catch up on sleep and focus on my main priorities, which aren't posting chapters on Wattpad. Sorry, you guys are important to me but I have to focus on family and softball.
I'm trying to finish my math summer packet this week since I'm in the advanced classes and we HAVE to do the packets. Plus, I don't want to have to worry about it for the rest of the summer. When my mom and math teacher found out that I started the packet with out school finishing because they gave it to us early, they both called me a nerd. But hey, nerds get somewhere in life...do they not? ;)
But guys, I feel really bad about not having a chapter for you guys. I want to make it really good, and I don't have the energy to do so right now.
Hope you guys can see my point of view.
Love you.
(I'm only posting "People Change" because I already have some chapters written.)