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@JakArmstrong the first tagged me in this thing. its cool BIRTHDAY CHALLENGE! 1. When is your birthday? [do not have to include year] 15th April 1999 2. What's your favuorite cake? @5sauseontop is my favourite cake 3. Who do you usually celebrate your birthday with? my padres and maybe a couple of amigos 4. Your best gift so far? my first horse, thank you parents 5. What was the best birthday you've had so far? the day i was born was my best birthday 6. Cake or presents? moneeeeeey thanks 7. Do you share your birthday with someone else? the great Leonardo DaVinci (different year ofc) bloody shit took all the brains tho 8. Do you celebrate your birthday with family/friends or everyone or by yourself? familia y amigos 9. What's your opinion on birthday parties? they're nice, but I guess now they're kind of for the young at heart? to some extent, id rather just go out for dinner with my closest mates 10. What would be your perfect present? a return ticket to Germany or Hawaii 11. Funny birthday moment? when i fell over on my like 11th birthday party and farted in front of all my friends im tagging everyone who sees this. you're all the real MVP's <3