
I see Can We Go Back Soobin already has haters lmao 


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@SoobsMoa not a bad bitch, hes just a bitch


@btch_for_yeosang can we go back soobin is a bad beatch


I see Can We Go Back Soobin already has haters lmao 


this message may be offensive
@SoobsMoa not a bad bitch, hes just a bitch


@btch_for_yeosang can we go back soobin is a bad beatch


Why tf do I want to suddenly (I was listening to Seven by Jungkook) write a Taebin fuckbuddys AU so bad... like imagine the slow burn, the drama, the angst, the much needed therapy sessions— *checks school schedule* — CRAAAAAP


What are some issues in Kpop that you don’t think are discussed a lot? Or (if you’re in the mood for it) what is a Kpop opinion you would not be able to say on Twitter but can under here?


@LeonWritesAlot oh you can CERTAINLY yap to me about the forced hate on BTXT because WHY TF ARE WE IGNORING THIS???


@LeonWritesAlot exactly, and it's so sad seeing literal kids who should not even be worrying about handling and taking over a whole group and career debut. I mean yeah I get that it's something they want, but starting them off too young and putting them in the toxic kpop community is just too harsh and cruel. Young idols debuting into kpop industry also get followed with being sexualized and extreme hate which is not okay and shouldn't be okay either, then later on, it gets worse for them before it gets better. 


Idols are debuted wayyy to young, not really controversial I hope but I feel like it’s not talked abt a lot. jungwon of enhypen was 16 taking care of a 14 year old and 19 year olds, that shouldn’t have been his job even if he is a fantastic leader he shouldn’t have had to be one so young and Ni-ki was 14 and taehyun and huening were both 16 i believe and jungkook was 15 yoonchae from katseye was 16 and Seventeen was like 30% minors. These kids are being forced to keep away from family for long periods of time just to be over worked and exploited just because they can and the companies can play it off as “we start them young so they can have long careers” Jin and Yoongi were both 21 when they debut and have had the same amount of career success and experience as a 15 year old jungkook. It just feels weird considering specifically how young bts was treated which is a whole other rant I could go on of how bts and txt hate is forced as hell but I won’t make you read that- SORRY FOR YAPPING


If my books had a competition for the “I traumatized the most amount of readers” award, who would win? 


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@btch_for_yeosang THAT SHIT TRAUMATIZED ME (in a good way)


Soobin called Taehyun his baby kitten I am not okay 


@btch_for_yeosang Omds im sobbing thats so cute