
Hey everyone. This isn't the easiest thing I've had to announce. I know everything has been inconsistent and unfortunately, it's led me to do something that I don't want to do. I'm no longer going to be active on this platform. Don't worry, my completed works will still be up but as for everything else, I'm no longer going to interact with this community. Nothing against it, I just feel that I've finally grown up and that Ninjago is just not for me anymore. Seasons 1-10 are the ones that I grew up with. The rest felt kind of alienating. But I don't doubt that most people enjoyed them. Thank you to everyone who took time out of your day to read my stories and to those who have accepted me here. These stories, communities, and writing sessions genuinely helped me. My discord account (for those who follow me) will still be active but I probably won't be on it as much as I used to anymore. Thank you to Dissy and Alyssa for being amazing friends and welcoming me into this community. I'll miss you guys. I'm no longer that 17 year old that wanted to experience his childhood again. My life is moving forward and I can't be stuck in the past.
          	Bruno :)


@btp_15 We’ll miss you Bruno! I understand, I hope college treats you well and I know you are a determined and strong person who will go far in life. Thank you for being here for me, you are such a great friend. I wish you luck in everything you do moving forward 
          	  -Alyssa :)


Hey everyone. This isn't the easiest thing I've had to announce. I know everything has been inconsistent and unfortunately, it's led me to do something that I don't want to do. I'm no longer going to be active on this platform. Don't worry, my completed works will still be up but as for everything else, I'm no longer going to interact with this community. Nothing against it, I just feel that I've finally grown up and that Ninjago is just not for me anymore. Seasons 1-10 are the ones that I grew up with. The rest felt kind of alienating. But I don't doubt that most people enjoyed them. Thank you to everyone who took time out of your day to read my stories and to those who have accepted me here. These stories, communities, and writing sessions genuinely helped me. My discord account (for those who follow me) will still be active but I probably won't be on it as much as I used to anymore. Thank you to Dissy and Alyssa for being amazing friends and welcoming me into this community. I'll miss you guys. I'm no longer that 17 year old that wanted to experience his childhood again. My life is moving forward and I can't be stuck in the past.
          Bruno :)


@btp_15 We’ll miss you Bruno! I understand, I hope college treats you well and I know you are a determined and strong person who will go far in life. Thank you for being here for me, you are such a great friend. I wish you luck in everything you do moving forward 
            -Alyssa :)


Yo, I'm not gonna be here for a bit. I'm going to meet up with friends up north. I haven't seen them in a long time, so I'm looking forward to it. Also, on July 1st, Happy Canada Day. (A bit funny that we celebrate the end of pride month lmao, like declaring victory over it lol.)


Hey! It’s been a minute, how are you?


@AlyssaKitty4 doing aight. enjoying my vacation, got to visit family in mexico. been training my butt off. spending time with friends and hopefully i get to see a friend I haven't hung out with in a while. im going to germany in august to visit family. i got to watch fall guy on thursday, got the theater all to ourselves lol.


To all my USA followers, Happy Memorial Day. I wish all of you a great day of tribute to your troops and veterans. I hope that many of the veterans and troops get the help they deserve and all the love and support of their countrymen.


I'm happy to announce that for the first time in 5 years, I visited my family in Mexico. I'm extremely happy that I got to do so and attend my grandmother's 80th birthday party. The trip was fun, it may have been short and not full of activities but still happy that I got visit my home again. So much changed, but not with my family. I'm so happy to have been there and just enjoy myself and the company of those I missed. Spend time with loved ones, before it's too late.


I'm done my first year in college. Holy crap, it was tough.


@AlyssaKitty4 thanks, I think I passed most of my second semester classes. Might have to repeat one some other time, but overall, I think I did ok for my first year.


@btp_15 Comgratulations!!! Proud of you for getting through it! :)


Ok, I might have some good news. I got an idea for a one-shot. I might be able to write, edit, and publish it this week. However, it’s something that I haven’t tried. It’s not fluff, sad, or even have anything to do with a couple. It’s a platonic story. I ain’t gonna spoil it, but I think Cole is going to get a lot of attention ;)


Oh boy, a lot has happened. I'm in my second semester of college, being a mechanic is fun (sometimes), I'm still lonely,  my skills in MMA and Muay Thai have go through the roof, my college schedule sucks, being sick for most February sucks, and having writers block rn sucks. Also, not a big fan of the recent Ninjago stuff (mostly because I haven't had time for it and seeing someone with cat ears is usually a bad sign), also not a fan of certain writers at the moment (not naming people, and the reason why is because it took my slow brain too long to recognize a red flag about them). As for my writing, it's gonna have to wait. College is a mean ass kicker, so until mid April, I'll be able to go back to writing. To the few who still read my stuff, thank you. And to those who forgot about me, I don't blame you lmao.