
Rewriting Pas De Deux - to those of you who is still following me. Can't say when it will be up again, but sometimes this year before summer. I solemnly swear. Thank you for those of you who kept thinking of Pas De Deux and me, even though it's been 2 year. It's you guys that encouragered me to repost it again. Stay healthy and safe. Lots of love from Fei. ❤️ 


I literally just screamed omg I love this book so much. I was telling literally everyone I know about it and now I can tell them to read it ajdnwjdsn❤️❤️❤️❤️


@ mackattack58  @ cosmeticstars  @ Etchedness  Thank you so muck for the kind comments. I really appreciate it, with all of my heart. ❤️


Thank you sosososo much for this!! This book meant so much to me when i read it back then and I've been trying to find it again for the past few months! Thank you for this masterpiece 


Regardless of whether it's discontinued or not, PDD is my all-time favourite fanfiction I have ever read. I look forward to your future works and if you ever decide to pick PDD back up. Thank you for your hard work Author  I'll bury the memories and joy I had reading it. 



Hi.. actually I don't usually leave comments but this time I really couldn't hold back...I actually really wanted to read PDD but I couldn't find it anywhere...
          Please don't feel is beautiful if u look at it in a beautiful
          perspective...We do love and support your work... please don't stop...I hope we get a new and exciting ver of PDD...(◠‿・)


I am a new reader of Pas de deux and wow...this story has really blown me away even though it has only been five chapters. As a fellow dancer myself, I could relate with y/n since I also started ballet late. The pas de deux scene was just relatable (at least in my past experiences) since I also felt so nervous the first time I walked into a pas de deux class (except it didn't end with a lovely Jimin dancing as my partner haha). Anyways, I look forward to your future updates on this fanfic !! :D


@Syphnia sadly, I’ve heard no more updates since then :,((


@hungrykpop_onion any other updates? I checked their tumblr and it's completely gone. I take it this is a discontinued series. It's a shame, I wish I had saved the story but all I have are screenshots of some chapters from 2017 xD


@LittleLynxClaw oh oops pff ill just wait then -.-


I read Pas de deux. Only the 4 chapters but I cried. You write so beautifully. I hope you update soon. Not pressurizing you. Just was to know of you'll update or not. Never has an ff had such an impact on me. I love your way of writing. Each and every emotions is portrayed so beautifully and it's so aesthetically beautiful