I hate how people romantasise (?) And glamarise mental illness so much. Like all these posts people post of these pictures with sad quotes, dont get me wrong the pictures of very artistic, but they're all of girls in makeup with mascara running down their faces with their hair in messy buns and talking about how they wont love her back and I'm like no. Things like depression aren't crying prettily in our rooms under aestetic lights, its ugly crying at 3am, not getting out of bed and losing weight not because we dont want to eat but because we cant bring ourselves to get up and walk to the kitchen. It's not pretty or aestetic and it disgusts me. We hurt ourselves and draw into ourselves and not get close to people because we fear getting hurt yet people love that because it makes us mysterious and "not like other people" like stop. And I know it's not everyone.
It's like with hannah bakers suicide scene, people wanted it removed because it's so graphic, yet it shows how suicide isn't easy, its painful and it should be hard to watch.
I'm sorry, I'm ranting but I feel this is important ugh, I hate the internet so much sometimes