sooooo funny story. my parents take my phone every night right? so this morning, i went to go get it and they said that i couldnt have it back. i asked them why and they said because there was this thing on my phone starting with a 'w' and i started the freeeeak out cuz i thought they found my wattpad and so i was like "what are you talking about?" and i thought there was no way they found my wattpad cuz i have it hidden and so i was like do they know where i hid it? cuz its literally inside a seaaaa of apps that i "never use". they told me to open my phone, so i did, and i gave it to them to show me, and they opened up photos so i was like "what-" and they showed me my album called "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW" and it was a bunch of pictures of hisoka sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
we're good :)
imma update now lol sorry it took forever