
Hello to everybody! 
          	I just have a question to ask: 
          	Ho long do you guys think a one shot is supposed to be/what is your perfect length?
          	Thank you!!! 


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their hope is “to move people” and they don't know if they can do it but if they had only the faintest idea of what people around the world feel 
          another thing they did: made me feel human again, made me have emotions again
          I changed, I was ripped apart and I had to get on my knees and pick up the pieces, all by myself when nobody was there to put a hand on my back and tell me “it's okay”
          “it’s okay to cry, to feel like that”
          I went crazy and broke down so often, even in a  dirty corner in a bathroom stall of the school toilet, my best friend in fucking China, all alone, followed by thousands of critisizing eyes and and I plugged my earphones in
          I have a list of songs I associate with moments that mean a lot to me, changed me and they are all by them, they make time fly by and stop at the same time
          they make it able to breathe again, they make it able to cry again, they make it able to put a genuine smile on my face, they make me break down on a dirt road, tears dropping to the ground because the words on my screen make me feel like I have been understood for the first time in months and when the red marks on my arms screamed in a silent help, their music laid over it like concealer and made me forget all pain for a couple of minutes, hours, nights, days, weeks, almost 2 years
          if I say it is not a phase it fucking is not because it made my life not vanish like a cloud of smoke but saved it like the last string of hope, the light at the end of the tunnel, the helping hand that got me off the ground, the wings that broke out of my back to help me fly and be my best and true self, the silent shadow accompanying me wherever I go, with trust, faith and duration, and most of all: love and understanding
          just to understand where my passion is coming from...


they mean as much to me as almost nothing else in my life
          at first they were cool beats and pretty faces to me 
          but then they have grown to my heart as fast as lightning and they are gonna stay right there, a part of me
          the more I learned about them the more I admired them, the more I learned, the more I felt like an actual part of something, a feeling of belonging that was foreign to me
          none of the friend groups or family gatherings have made me feel that way
          their music was there when nothing else was, when I stood at the edge and looked down, it pulled me back and turned me around
          when i felt bottled up they released the cork
          when I needed an escape, their world caught me with open arms
          they made me laugh, smile, be flushed with endorphins
          they made me break down and cry
          I could relate, I could dive in and disappear
          I could seek comfort in their words 
          when not even the door to my room was enough i plugged my headphones in and closed my eyes and I was gone out of this world that I couldn't stand nor endure
          when I couldn't sleep they were there