hello lovely people,
Obviously I've been absent due to university life. However recently I remembered about how I wrote these fanfics during quarantine, and I just want to say thank you unconditionally for all the support I've received. Crazy to see how my life has changed the past two yeas.. if I even begin you'd be surprised. I just wanted to say some things:
1st: I'm sorry to say that it's very rare that I'll write anything new... I have so much work surrounding university that free time is non-existent.
2nd: I do have some free time this week so I will probably be updating some books.. and maybe changing a few bits of them. I will try to keep the same plot... it's just that some of them are so cringe and that is definitely not what I want people to read...
3rd: I will try my best to finish Neighbor! No promises tho!
Anyway, please be safe and stay healthy
Sending all of my love to each and one of you <3