
Happy New Year everyone! I can't believe we're so close to BTS reunion ㅠㅠ My only goal for 2025 is to finally finish my wip and start posting, but it will still take time, because editing it is a bit of a nightmare and I don't have a beta reader. But when I finally start posting, that'll be around a year of weekly updates.


Happy New Year everyone! I can't believe we're so close to BTS reunion ㅠㅠ My only goal for 2025 is to finally finish my wip and start posting, but it will still take time, because editing it is a bit of a nightmare and I don't have a beta reader. But when I finally start posting, that'll be around a year of weekly updates.


Alright my guys gals and nonbinary pals, I've FINALLY finished writing my huge project! (Only took me 509 days, yes, I counted) It's still gonna take time before I can get to posting it, but I really hope I can start pushing it out within this year. I'm really excited about it! If the editing process goes well, it'll be my favorite fic of mine for sure.


@Unicorn_Army_Gurl I'm currently on the second round of editing!!! Will work on it as much as I can alongside uni ^_^ Thank you for anticipating it!!!


            Hellooo.... Update?? Please update i am really waiting for ittt!!!