
Ok so I hope my attempts at making a story on here won't be completely waisted I have many ideas for my story "he liked my post" and it will deffinetly be "real" chapters in that story. The posts are just for getting a feel for the story if you know what I mean?


@ btsjinfannrone  lol my grammar in this message sucked hahahahah but please cut me some slack since I'm SUUUUUPERRRRR tireddddd ahahah


Ok so I hope my attempts at making a story on here won't be completely waisted I have many ideas for my story "he liked my post" and it will deffinetly be "real" chapters in that story. The posts are just for getting a feel for the story if you know what I mean?


@ btsjinfannrone  lol my grammar in this message sucked hahahahah but please cut me some slack since I'm SUUUUUPERRRRR tireddddd ahahah