@bubble94bunny hmm, orm is a rich CEO, ling a poor photographer, lingorm was high school sweethearts, but orm wanted something that ling can’t give hence she turned to a guy and cheated on ling but still love ling a lot it’s just pleasure needs. ling decided to leave orm after closing one eyes for few months. ling left for overseas for better photographing opportunities and get over orm, but orm in picked up drinking and depressed , orm was super guilty and tried ending her own life. ling came back 4 years later and worked under orm’s fashion company. orm tried multiple ways to get back to ling but ling was truly hurt and wanted to protect herself. but eventually they decided to give a try again, to trust the broken heart.
I read this plot from “echoes from forgotten” and I think it was super solid one.
just sharing, feel free to write anything !! ♥️