
My nefew just said he wanted to eat the turkey's butt  and now he is very proud to say he ate almonds off the floor.  * wipes fake tear*  go little man go!!! 


 I know right next thing you know he will be in the steets throwing whipped cream at people!


@bubblesbee123 *wipes tear* so proud of him!


My nefew just said he wanted to eat the turkey's butt  and now he is very proud to say he ate almonds off the floor.  * wipes fake tear*  go little man go!!! 


 I know right next thing you know he will be in the steets throwing whipped cream at people!


@bubblesbee123 *wipes tear* so proud of him!


Has anyone ever had some extra you don't like at all make front of your friends? Well that happened to day and I was like " THAT BITCH GUNNA DIE!" I may have almost beat the girl up if there hadn't been any teachers. Man if only.


i was told i should put this up so, yeah.
          So your in gym and your playing dodgeball and for once your bestie decides to play and he can be extreamly dramatic. So your enemy; the queen bee of school, has kept trying to hit you in the face and your bestie decides it was a great idea to sing on the top of his lung "HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHORT' WHY DON,T YOU HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT"
          Only to be shut up by by a ball to his balls and one in the face.