
ENL at 500k wtf!! You guys are insane(ly loved by me!!)


@bubblewrap1009 Eyes Never Lie deserves even more attention ❤️


@bubblewrap1009 the book is a masterpiece. Can you please make your stories available on ao3 


@bubblewrap1009 I'll keep re-reading....this book deserve millions ✨❤️


Hey guys this is my new book " The dating coach" . It is a funny and fluffy book like the previous book of mine which u guys liked a lot. So I will suggest you all to give this a try and I assure that the iconic Jungkook character which is my personal favorite will make you fall in love with this book and not to mention THE Kim taehyung. So check it out once. 


idk if you're still here to ever read this but my heart is filled w too much joy to not put it in words. i just finished reading "eyes never lie" and you've to believe me when i say this i end up staying up till 9.40 in the morning to read it, and the first thing i did after waking up was finish that book. that absolute masterpiece. i never had any reading lists on my acc, but now i do. only one book in one reading list called "masterpiece". you did something w that book, author. the characters? the emotions? the writing? THE PLOT??? omg. i literally fall short on words to describe what i am going through right now. its going to take me a while to get over this. it also saddens me how this work doesn't have millions views already, people don't know what they're missing out on. this book deserves everything and beyond. the way you put romance in the cutest and yet most thoughtful way. how taehyung came a long way, changed himself completely to mold one person who ever loved him in his life. how jeongguk never gave up on him and loved taehyung even after he didn't "say" it back. and there's literally so much more. so so much more i want to say. the details, the minor details. ugh. i could go on and on. and i now feel a bit bummed that i wont be able to experience it all over again. but thank you. thank you so much for this. they don't write books like this anymore. they don't. thank you so so much. i am going to read your other works, and im hoping to find myself here again on this message board blown away w another one of your art works. thank you, author. i wish you all the best! <3


@Bearxx57 hey tell me her AO3 please I wanna read more of her pleeeeaaassseee


@taentice exactly how i've been feeling, this FF fair and square wins so many ACUTUAL paperbacks and out there. 
            I love it the way it is and it's sad that so many who would enjoy this masterpiece won't be able to read it because of fandom barriers. 
            I'm So gratefuk for giving it a shot


Id - bubblewrap_1009


Ok so what I am trying to say is that I read eyes never lie...like few months ago but when ever I think about taekook ff bro this directly comes to my mind when I read this ff I was like who in the heaven write this book I am speechless micdrop hats off to uuuuuuu♥️♥️♥️