
          	so! I've finally gotten around to setting up an ao3 account, and a tumblr for any requests anybody sends my way; will comment on this with those sometime once I've figured that all out <3 wattpad is a difficult place to write and find fics to read because the filtering system is sub-par, which is lowkey why I left. Also because I was burning out. Anywaysss, love all of you who read my single work, it means a lot to me. Have no idea if anybody's reading this, but if even one of you would like me to cross-post my ao3 works here, I'll do it.


          so! I've finally gotten around to setting up an ao3 account, and a tumblr for any requests anybody sends my way; will comment on this with those sometime once I've figured that all out <3 wattpad is a difficult place to write and find fics to read because the filtering system is sub-par, which is lowkey why I left. Also because I was burning out. Anywaysss, love all of you who read my single work, it means a lot to me. Have no idea if anybody's reading this, but if even one of you would like me to cross-post my ao3 works here, I'll do it.