
Mulai caper kan si onoh nanti rosieku yg diserang fansnya


Siang thor
          Thor gak niat publish Titanic lagi ya? Thor keknya udh lupa dua thn lalu aku pernah dm thor buat izin tulis ulg Titanic tp hak cipta nya ttp pny thor hehe
          Aku baru mau lanjut nulis soalnya hehe


Iy dulu pas kamu minta itu aku post udh cuma seminggu doang terus ko ga ada kabar dari kamu jadi aku unpub maaf ya. Abis lebaran ya


Dear Jennie
          So take a look at me now 
          When there’s just an empty space 
          And there’s nothing left here to remind me 
          Just the memory of your face 
          So take a look at me now 
          See, there’s just an empty space 
          But to wait for you is all i can do
          And that’s what I’ve got to face 
          Take a good look at me now 
          cause I’ll still be standing here
          And you comin’ back to me is against all odds 
          And that’s a chance I’ve gotta take